الجمعة، 1 مايو 2015





Admit it - you're on the internet, so you've watched a little porn. No big deal. If you're of the right age and Grew up; many of us have online About did, you fondly remember laughing at the "Adult's Only" age warning on porn websites while hastily clicking close on the 18+ button, and you've Probably Even Had a night or two with friends Where You Played a light-hearted round of "who can find The Most messed up porn online."
If that's not you - well, this article just might not be your cup of tea. HOWEVER, if you're willing-to stick around, Reviews some of thesis tales might just amuses you - while others are downright scary.
When porn stars make the mainstream news, it's usually not for anything close to a positive reason. STI scares, drug busts, health problems, scandals, domestic violence - those are what we Generally associate with porn stars, qui est injustement sad and stereotypical, Because There's No Question That Some porn stars clever are, well-mannered members of society Who just happen to like having sex on camera for a living.
Of course, as a society, we put the spotlight is far more positive than negative, so do not expect to hear stories about porn stars Any Donating to charity (but do not think It Does not happen - in 2012 PornHub Attempted to donate money to the Fight against breast cancer, only To Be Rejected by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure charity. Hey, Susan G. Komen folks, you're fighting cancer! Who cares Where the money comes from, it's cancer! ).
Let's get to it;

10 Things You Didn't Know About the Cast of "Love & Hip-Hop: Atlanta"

10 Things You Didn't Know About the Cast of "Love & Hip-Hop: Atlanta"

While Love & Hip-Hop: Atlanta has sparked no shortage of conversation and controversy about its portrayal of a group of women and the men they love, Mona Scott-Young's popular program has propelled a number of artists and personalities into the spotlight who might otherwise not have such opportunities. The music industry is fickle, and the fates of artists are often only loosely tied to the quality of the art they produce. With Love & 

Hip-Hop, a number of former stars have become stars again.
As a result, a bunch of artists who had been known primarily for their contributions to music are now known for their personalities on a television show. America's cultural memory—despite all of our "remember the '90s" nostalgia—isn't that strong. It's easy to forgot how profound were, say, Stevie J's contributions to hip-hop, or how big Rasheeda really was, or how far back Benzino's career really goes. Here are ten things you probably didn't know about the cast of Love & Hip-Hop: Atlanta. 





When Sophie meets Arthur, it was soon noticed that he hates additions. The problem is that it is not very generous either in their private life ...
I should have known better when he showed up at my house with a half-bottle of wine for our first dinner. At the time, I was touched by the wisdom of his actions. "A gentleman does not think that booze," was I said, the silly smile. At that moment, I had no idea that her pretty face hid a Scrooge power. I could only see his gray eyes and his comic massive hands like a promise. Since my divorce, I collected flirtations. Six years in the galleys plans it was a lot. At 35, I aspired to a story that takes me, but that lasts. I was beginning to believe since I went out with Arthur. Between us, it fitted perfectly. Complicity was immediate. Like the attraction, magnetic. And for once, I did not fall on a depressive loser, my specialty. He had a concrete job (lawyer), conversation and a good world to him. He led his life. Work, family, worries, he seemed to manage everything with a very reassuring permanent decline. And still that smile ... Nothing was serious with him, everything seemed easy. Finally, a good guy that I was going to rest. I do not know if it's my indomitable desire that made me fall in love so indulgent. Anyway, at that first dinner, I who was expecting a sensory climax one to climb the walls from the drink, I was slightly disappointed by the lukewarm kiss he gave me before my Intercom. But far from my nerves, I concluded that my beautiful Arthur was to be a bit shy displayed despite his assurance. That did not stop him to ask me, before leaving him to order a taxi with "my" subscription, for he was "zapped his club business code". A little inconsiderate, query, but "yes, of course", anyway, I'd give the moon. I would soon discover that Arthur "flicking through" things often. Our offices are neighbors, we would meet regularly for a quick coffee. Almost always, it had lost its Blue card or forgotten his wallet. "Sorry, I zapped! "Let go of it every time. As a result, I paid everything.
Perhaps had he needs time before trusting and letting go his biffetons
When a little voice whispered to me that he did it on purpose, I thought it was impossible, as it had to win ten thousand times the price of a coffee. Without doubt he was too busy to think about it, that's all. For me the money, it was going, it came ... I did not threw out the windows, but I liked to spoil me like the others. That's why I was a bit miffed that it also zaps my birthday. I certainly do not expect a Tiffany & Co. necklace, a rose would have been enough for me. But no, nothing. Oh yes, sorry, he "invited me" to the restaurant. Finally, so to speak. Because we did not have the same conception of the word "invite". In fact, he just took the wine to his office, before splitting the bill. I was green, but I still arrived at this point, finding him an apology. Perhaps had he needs time before trusting and letting go his biffetons. After all, for two months, we were just flirting ... I must say that Arthur grew very slowly in its approaches, which baffled me too. As if he took pleasure in the reservoir. Quite the opposite of me that needed to feel the other, his skin texture, warmth ...
Each time a bill came, it was necessary to divide
I handed him regularly poles to speed things up. One day he grabbed one. Obviously, he came home empty-handed. I have not raised, more concerned about the urge to devour a whole. The next day, in bed, in the morning, something nagging me. It was not bad, but ... I found him cold and quite stingy with hugs. Actually, I had not taken my foot and it did not seem to ask her problem. I was reassured me by telling me that it was rarely "wow" the first time. He too did not seem to worry, the more eager to tax me some pieces to fetch the croissants that give cover. We ended up seeing every day. Our growing near soothed me, healed me from the loneliness that had so weighed myself. I had the feeling of being on the same wavelength as him. Except in bed, where he was not generous, but after all, I was not looking for a sex story. And except when it came to money. Each time a bill came, it was necessary to divide it. The irony is that I was so embarrassed when he made his cinema with his calculations that I would rather pay the full.
When it came to pay, he became livid
I can not tell you the state of my bank account ... "Stop being old-fashioned, he wants to share is gender equality, my daughter," I repeated myself to calm down. Sometimes I feel guilty thinking that it was developing a mean machinery to shirk. But I had good reason with me, it was a fact when it came to pay, he became livid. At the supermarket, he brushed the attack at checkout. Moreover, he often found a way to slip away to see - like so! - Flat screens. He was talking about all the products that I put in my basket. The day I refused to purchase, on his advice, a steak promo almost expired, it exploded. "I'm thrifty, he bellowed in the refrigerated section. I have nothing to do if you spend your money anyhow. "It made me jump," But you do not spending anything! No dinner! Not a gift! Your clothes are threadbare! What you do with all your money? "He called me a" spoiled child. " Easy insult from the only son of a wealthy bourgeois family. He undertook reconciliation on the pillow, or more precisely, between my thighs. Very surprising move coming from him. But so tasty that I was ready to let bygones be bygones. Until it stops (too) quickly, saying: "To you now. "" Huh? "I told him speechless and frustrated. "Well, to you! "He said with a naughty look pointing to the bazaar. Pleasure, according to Arthur, so it was the "give and take". Stinginess also invited in our bed I began to see a different view, but I want to believe it yet, do not despair of changing it. Saturday, surprise, he offered me a gift: a beautiful black chiffon. I was in heaven. Until he told me to wear the cocktail of the box. A bitter feeling showered my enthusiasm: this dress was to enhance the him ... He was therefore not free? I did not know what to think. A weekend, it was rendered to a garage sale. We had to take a piece of highway to avoid traffic jams. "I pay the toll," he threw me in either "I played great lord." But can not open Zip his bag containing his money. That was the trigger. I thought about all the times Arthur shrunk away an addition. To all those nights when my pleasure had counted only half. Where he was saving his gestures and caresses, while I do not save my own efforts to satisfy it. It took me eleven months, but it came out as a cry from the heart: "You're a cheapskate! "I yelled out of the car. I preferred to return to stop than stay a second longer with this type skimpy. Before leaving, I took a € 10 note in my seat and slammed the door, I shouted: "Buy yourself a closure! »
> Every Friday in kiosks, find IT in the next "This is My Story"




Failing to feel, if only once, what it's like to have an erection or having sex with a penis to a woman, the men were asked the question that bothers us so much ... A What do you really think, when you make love?

I'm not a man, I am a body

"I do not think about anything. I can not find this anywhere else feeling: the impression of being completely empty head and body completely boil. It's like my mind began to break, and my body took over, becoming hyper reactive. In fact my brain falls asleep and wakes up my skin. I'm not a man, I am not a body. "Raphael 33, Vienna

"I think my ex. I know it's wrong, but I can not help it. Since our break there eight months it haunts my days and nights. When I make love with another, I close my eyes and I imagine his face and body. Late and waking are brutal ... "Clement, 27, Paris

"I think all these nights without it. We live 700 miles away. When we finally found and we made love, I think of all the times I went to bed alone, and then all I dreamed of doing it and tell him. Having that in mind allows me to enjoy 200% of every hug her. "Pierre, 24, Lille

I think of scenarios that excite me

"I think of scenarios that excite me. I guess you look at us, we are filming, we're out, or she says things a little dirty. It adds an extra dimension, it's a way as any to spice up lovemaking. When I talk about it and do it again. "Alberto, 30, Paris

"I think when she will enjoy. I am completely focused his pleasure. Perhaps because she is older than me and I want to be up to par. I watch, I listen, and I adapt to his need, thinking about what I'll do next. "Benjamin, 29, Brussels

"I think of things that plague me. My job, my money problems, my tax ... It's the only way I've found to keep me from enjoying too fast. For that, I have to detach myself from my feelings, I close my eyes and I come to things down-to-earth. The thing is to find the right balance, good fun alternate pages and taxes pages: otherwise the failure to train ... "Frederick, 32, Lyon

I do not think I touch, I feel, I look

"I do not think I touch, I feel I look. There is nothing intellectual, it is ultimately very primary to make love. If I start to think, or even to think, is that I'm not in it. Either I did not head to that or I notice that the girl did not like it that much. "Matthew, 28, Grenoble

"I think of my baby. My wife is pregnant ... She tell me that it fears nothing and carting me by saying that I am too pretentious, I'm always afraid of hurting her or disturb the ... "Mansour, 28, Rouen

"I think of porn movies that excited me. But that's because I'm not in love this time. When it's really my girlfriend with whom I sleep, I did not need that to excite me. "Gregory, 26, Strasbourg



The trend at the moment is for increasingly graphic hardcore shoots To Be interposed in the middle of raunchy movies. Many efforts on this list Contain Them in real life porn qui Makes Them not just a vessel for pornographic footage, goal downright porn movie In Their Own right.
The need to Log push sex as a plot device, can in many films, lead To That movie Becoming obsessed sex and pornographic. Viewer titillation by sex scenes Becomes the goal, and things like character development and decent acting get lost along the way.
Nevertheless, I am not anti-pornography. Goal I do not like movies try trying to pretend That are-have to a Message When All They Want to do is shock or arouse us.
I have compiled a list of raunchy porn movies That are really for you below-. Be safe to leave your comments!